In 2010, the VJ Challenge was expanded into two areas of competition Video Mixing and Audio/Visual Mixing.

Since 2008, the conference has received increasing competition from the International Music Summit taking place in Ibiza in May. This inaugural year of the competition resulted in Sergey Lobodln (Moscow, Russia), walking away with the top winner prize. The WMC 2009 introduced the first annual WMC VJ Challenge at The Miami Beach Resort & Spa with celebrity hosts, judges, and VJs from various parts of the world hosted by VJ Psyberpixie and Felix Sama. Waxpoetics Magazine, JBL, and Stanton sponsored the first International Record Collectors Show in 2007. In 1999, Ultra Beach Music Festival, now known as Ultra Music Festival, became an event as part of Winter Music Conference, taking place on 13 March 1999. The WMC & The Recording Academy began in 1996 - a partnership presenting The Producers Forum, a gathering of legendary artists. The conference serves as a platform for many underground and indie artists from over 70 different countries who spend the conference at events and panels it is also a medium used by several entrepreneurs and consumer electronic companies to present their businesses and technological developments. The event commands a major international draw with around 38 percent of attendees coming from outside the United States. Since its inception in 1986, the event festivities have moved down south, across Miami Beach and Downtown Miami. There were approximately 80 dance music industry insiders in attendance. The first Winter Music Conference took place at the Fort Lauderdale Marriott during 19–21 February 1986. the Winter Music Conference, has hosted up to an estimated 100,000 people. The Winter Music Conference was founded in 1985 by Louis Possenti and Bill Kelly.